Role: Lead Researcher | Study Type: Foundational (mixed methods) |Timeline: 4 weeks | Stakeholders: CRO, Director of Marketing, Head of Customer Success
The goal of this study was to understand why those who place orders to receive fiber internet with Ting, don't actually end up converting as customers.
Install appointment
Ting customer!
2nd CS touchpoint
1st CS touchpoint
Order placed
User discovers Ting
Though we didn't know why these potential customers were churning, we did have a very rough idea of where the process was breaking down. Our typical customer journey is what we see below: someone is looking for a new Internet Service Provider they find Ting and submit an order online they get a call from a member of our customer support team an install appointment gets scheduled our customer support team follows up with the customer again the customer now has Ting internet up and running in their home.
However, after the order is submitted, we lost contact with the customer and we didn't know why. At various points throughout the customer journey a member of our CS team makes multiple points of contact with customers via phone call and email, but after so many outreach attempts and hearing nothing back, that lead eventually gets marked as lost.
30% of orders never activate, leading to hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue each year. This issue was not only a critical research focus but also a key priority for the company, as increasing customer activations and reducing lost leads were central to its OKRs. My stakeholders approached the problem from different angles but shared the same goal: understanding why customers were not activating. My role was to uncover insights that addressed their concerns while also providing actionable recommendations to drive activations, reduce lost leads, and ultimately increase revenue.
Marketing Director | Head of Customer Success | Chief Revenue Officer | |
Business Problem | Too many unconverted orders |
Lost lead issues unclear | Lost annual revenue |
Business Goal | Increase customer activations | Reduce lost leads | Boost revenue |
Phase 1: Lightweight survey
Select all that apply
Open text response
Multiple choice
7 questions total
Phase 2: In-depth Interviews
Meant to build upon the survey data to help uncover why survey respondents answered the way they did and provider richer & more detailed insights
This mixed-methods approach was split into 2 phases:
From kickoff to readout.
Goal: Why these factors mattered.
Goal: What factors drove churn.
in-depth interviews
77 respondents
Our $200 custom install fee came as a surprise, many not discovering it until the day of their internet install appointment when a technician told them they required a custom vs. a standard (free) install.
Getting fiber internet with Ting sometimes meant that trenches had to be dug in order to get fiber from the street to the home. In some cases, this meant customers would incur damages to their landscaping, front yard, gardens, and even the exterior/interior of one's home.
3. Expand lost lead data set and operationalize surveys.
2. A/B test a pilot program waiving the custom install fee and covering repair costs.
1. Make custom install pricing clearer and information about the install process easier to find on our site.
To address these issues around installation, I delivered 3 key recommendations.
The methodology and findings from this study had such wide reaching impact at Ting that it served as the catalyst for a rolling research program aimed at measuring the customer experience and reducing churn. The survey leveraged in this study served as the basis of the survey that was then implemented in our rolling research program.
Findings from this study bridged the gap we saw in our 30% churn rate and resulted in 20% year of year customer activation rates.
The most significant impact my study had was that our CRO was so bought in to the research, he decided to implement a company wide policy change that completely removed the $200 custom install fee.